Monday 26 March 2012

Te Whiti-O-Rongomai-III

Te Whiti-O-Rongomai-lll
Te Whiti was born in 1830 at Ngamotu Taranaki. His mother was Rangiawau and his father was Tohukakahi a minor chief of the Patukai Hapu in the Tuhirikura branch. He was educated at Reimenschneider’s Mission School at Warea where he excelled at bible studies. Te Whiti was identified to be a possible teacher or prophet. After leaving school he set up a flour mill at Warea. He lived peacefully on the coast of Parihaka until 1865 when the European troops burnt down his village. In spite of this he never took up arms (guns).
By the year 1870 Parihaka had become the biggest village in New Zealand. Nine years later the European troops invaded Parihaka. Around the year 1881 the Europeans began seizing the land from the Maori. As one of the leaders of the Parihaka movement Te Whiti would hold monthly meetings on the 18th of every month, about the progress of the Parihaka movement. Te Whiti and his friend Tohu Kakahi instructed his people to continue to plough the fields on the seized land. As a result of this the men were brutally punished. As Te Whiti was a very spiritual man who preached Christian beliefs his men were not allowed to fight back. Later that year a meeting was held with two European government officials. One hour later Te Whiti was taken to prison. The land of Parihaka was immediately destroyed. It took the army only two weeks to destroy all the houses and two months to destroy all the crops. While in prison Te Whiti learnt how to use European technology. He would play mind games on the guards by putting sugar in their soup and salt in their porridge.
In 1883 Te Whiti was taken back to Parihaka, although many men were still left imprisoned. When Te Whiti arrived back at Parihaka he refused an order from the soldiers to stop running the monthly meetings. For not obeying this order Te Whiti was taken back to prison in 1888 a few days before Te Whiti was released, his wife passed away. Sadly he was not allowed to return to his land or attend his wife's funeral. After being released from prison Te Whiti returned home with his son in law Tare Waitara. Parihaka has started to modernize itself, it now had lighting running water, and drainage. Finally after nineteen years of imprisonments all the people were paroled.
Sadly Te Whiti died in the year 1907. Parihaka was no longer under war and all that Te Whiti lived for had been accomplished.
I believe that Te Whiti was an inspirational leader as he never stopped fighting for what was right. One other reason I think that he is inspiring is because he fought without the use of arms, and when he did fight, he did so in a peaceful way.
By Jack Wellwood 


Thursday 22 March 2012


Literacy, I need to improve my proofreading by checking my work twice, to ensure I get a higher mark. Maths, I need to improve my ability to solve word problems, by reading the full question.
General, I need to carefully priorities things better, I will do this buy putting the more important things first.

Monday 5 March 2012

Art Work

In room 22 and the senior school we studied the style of Cecilia Russel. We found at that she draws shapes and then fills them with the word relating to the shape. Above is my art. Personally I don't think that I did very well with this art as I am not a very gifted artist. Although I didn't produce a very good piece of art I thoroughly enjoyed working on this piece of art. Next time I would take more care with my art and will try to produce a better piece.

Biography About Orville Wright

Orville Wright Biography

Orville Wright and his brother Wilbur wright were famous for the first controlled engine powered flight ever made my man kind. They are still well known around the world today, for their famous controlled flight at Kitty Hawk north of California.            

Orville Wright was born on August 19th 1871 at 17 Hawthorn Street in Dayton Ohio He was the sixth child of bishop Milton Wright and Susan Catharine Wright. He had three older brothers, Reuchiln, Lorin, Wilbur and he also had a younger sister Katharine. He also had to older twin siblings but they died shortly after birth. Orville loved to tinker. He got this habit from his mother who was always fixing and mending things. As Orville’s father was a priest, he was all ways traveling round on religious matters. He used to bring back trinkets for his children one of witch was a flying toy plane. It was made of paper cork and bamboo powered by twisted rubber band when this broke Orville and Wilbur made new ones. They discovered that the smaller one flew faster then the bigger ones. Many people believe that this was the first spark to creating a powered airplane.

After leaving school Orville and Wilbur opened a bicycle shop. They made a wind tube to test     different kinds of flight before studying on how birds fly in order to be able to fly a large glider  they needed to find a place that had more wind typical then around Dayton Wilbur wrote in November 1899 Wilbur wrote to Willis L. Moore, chief of the U.S weather bureau asking about wind conditions throughout the country. The first rural place on the list that Willis L. Moore sent back was Kitty Hawk. During the years 1900 through to 1902 Orville and Wilbur experimented at Kitty Hawk with kites, gliders and their wind tunnel.

In the year 1903 after the brothers made over 700 successful flights with the glider. The Wright brothers then developed their first effective airplane that they called the Wright Flyer and made the historical first flight on December 17th 1903. Only 7 men (including Orville and Wilbur) were present on the day the other five witnesses who live near kitty hawk were J.T. Daniel's, W.S.Dough and A.D.Etheridge who were all members of kill devil life saving station. W.C. Brinkley of manteo and Johnny Ward a boy from Nags Head were also present. eight days before the wright brothers made their first flight the New York times Wrote “that maybe in 1 million to 10 million years they might be able to make a plane that would fly.”

In 1905 the Wright brothers built an airplane that could fly for more then half an hour at any one time. In 1908 Orville made the worlds first flight over one hour at fort mayer Virginia for a demonstration for the U.S army. This subsequently made the Wright brothers plane the worlds first military airplane. In that same year Wilbur made over 100 successful flights near Le Mans france broke the record with 2 hours and 19 minutes.

After Wilbur's death of Typhoid Orville moved into a house on Hawton Hill Ohio. He planed to move into the house with Wilbur but Wilbur Passed away before its completion. Orville carried on the legacy but when this seemed unsuccessful he sold the family business. In 1916 Orville built himself an aeronautics laboratory. On April 8th 1930 April 8, 1930, Orville Wright received the first Daniel Guggenheim Medal. (The Daniel Guggenheim Medal is awarded for "great achievements in aeronautics). On April 29, 1936, Orville Wright was elected a member of the national academy of science. On January 30 1948 Orville Wright died in Dayton, Ohio, at the age of 76.

In conclusion Orville Wright had avery successful life as a pilot and aviation pioneer until today many people still respect all that he accomplished. This is especially inspirational to people who are planning to take career path in aviation.

By Jack and Jacob