Monday 6 August 2012

Mini Olympics

 This is a fact sheet designed for our buddies



In Fair Verona where we lay our scene lives a fair Montague -  Romeo. An obsessed fourteen year old lover who would die for his sweet Juliet. A Montague perhaps, but he will treat all as his equals.

With his lush blue eyes that are as deep as the ocean itself, his flowing blonde hair as golden as the sun, he may appear handsome to some. His slim figure and romantic personality compliment his dying love for Juliet. The long blood red cloak and dark black tights hug closely to his skin. He wears black leather shoes as dark as night and a sky blue woolen top.

A lover not a fighter, this saying best describes Romeo. His un-conditional love for Juliet, only deepens the passion for love. A friend to all and a loyal  friend worth having. Peaceful at heart he would do anything to save a friend or his sweet Juliet. If anything mattered more to Romeo it would have to be love. Although he has killed both Tybalt and Paris it was purely for his love of Juliet.

Two households both alike in dignity neither one more superior. The Capulet’s and the Montague's. Romeo a Montague and Juliet a Capulet. Hatred boiled amongst them. Nothing would give the Lord’s more pleasure than to slit one another’s throats. Forever more the quarrel would continue if it wasn’t for Juliet and her Romeo  

Romeo believed that Rosaline completed him. Unfortunately the love was not returned. He meet the love of his life at the Capulets party... Juliet. Instant love. Forbidden love. But the quarrels between one’s parents’s be not between one’s children, in my belief. Nothing could separate love between these two, they would kill for each other.

Romeo forever be the peacekeeper. The one who buried his parents strife. For him nothing mattered more than the love of his Juliet
By Jack and Jacob