Sunday 9 September 2012

Ben Johnson Homework

Ben Johnson Stripped of Gold!

Ben Johnson was born on December 30th 1961 in Falmouth Jamaica. He immigrated to Canada in 1976 where he currently lives in Scarborough Ontario.
He won two bronze medals in the 1984 Olympic Games for the 100m sprints and the 4x 100 relay. He also won Gold at the 1988 Olympic Games in Seoul, but this was withdrawn due to cheating.
Johnson represented Canada at these games and met coach Charlie Francis at York university around 1977. Charlie Francis was Canada’s national sprint coach for nine years.    
He established himself as Canada’s number one sprinter and was well known, he was a celebrity runner. Over his Olympic career his goal was to beat rival runner Carl Lewis. It took eight consecutive races for Johnson to beat Lewis. Lewis couldn’t believe that Johnson had won. This was the start of a long time rivalry between the pair. In the 1987 world championship at Rome Johnson had won 4 times against Lewis. He went on to beat Lewis again setting a new world record of 9.83 seconds.
Following the win of Johnson, Lewis tried to explain himself he said: “There are gold medallists at this meet who are on drugs, that [100 meters] race will be looked at for many years, for more reasons than one.” Jonson replied: “When Carl Lewis was winning everything, I never said a word against him. And when the next guy comes along and beats me, I won’t complain about that either.” This followed into a rivalry at the 1988 Olympic Games in Seoul.
In 1988 Johnson sustained a few setbacks to his running career. In February he pulled a hamstring and then pulled it again in May. In the  games Johnson beat Lewis in the final, lowering his personal best (the world record at the time) to 9.79 seconds. He claimed that he would have been faster if he hadn’t raised his hands before the finishing line. The Canadian people rejoiced at his winning the gold medal and breaking the world record.
Three days later Johnson lost his gold medal as his urine sample tested positive for the drug Stanozolol (a performance enhancing, prescription only drug). In retaliation to being caught Johnsons coach claimed that Johnson was one of many cheaters, but just happened to get caught. Johnson was suspended for three years and made a comeback in 1991, but failed to qualify for the world championships. He made the 1992 Olympic 100m team, but came last in his semi final heat.
In 1993 he was banned for life from the International Association of Athletics Association as he was caught taking drugs again. In 1999 this was appealed and Johnson was able to compete, but no one in Canada wanted to race against a cheat. Late in the same year he was caught for the third time with a positive drug test.
In conclusion the first part of Johnsons career was very successful, but unfortunately he ruined it for himself by taking drugs.
By Jack Wellwood.


1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed studying someone I new very little about. He was a disappointment to his country. Imagine all the money they spent on him to fly hm to Seoul, provide food and accommodation, just for him to be disqualified. More importantly I think he let himself down. I think that I wrote this well however I would wrote a longer conclusion had I had the chance to redo it.
